Saturday, May 19, 2012

O que as pessoas pensam da minha vida aqui...

Pela primeira vez, eu decidi escrever este post em portugues, para que os meus amigos brasileiros possam entender melhor, e para que entendam que a minha vida aqui não é o que a maioria pensa.

Antes de qualquer coisa, peco desculpas pela ausencia dos acentos nas palavras, porque eu uso computador com teclado sem configuracao em portugues. Mas acredito que voces consigam entender.

Nao eh novidade nenhuma que muitos dos meus amigos me mandem mensagens do tipo "Aeee Eliao!!! Passeando muito aih?? Conheceu muitos lugares legais?? Bares? Baladas? Praias? Como eh a vida bohemia por ai??? Deve ser maravilhoso passear aih nao eh??"

Pois bem... Para todas as perguntas acima citadas a minha resposta eh:


Simples nao acham? Pode ate parecer que estou exagerando, mas a realidade aqui eh beeem mais diferente do que se possa imaginar. Falando mais profundamente, eu nunca passei tanta dificuldade em toda a minha vida. Juro para voces!

Afinal, uma vida sem muitas dificuldades eh simplesmente uma vida mediocre. Pessoas que nao encaram a dura realidade de consquistar as coisas por si soh nao tem a menor ideia do quao dificil eh. Empinar o nariz e falar que veio para estudar no exterior com o papai e a mamae pagando tudo, ficar matando aula pra ir para a praia e torrar toda a grana em viagens a passeio, eh facil. Mas cada um eh cada um, e isso deve ser respeitado.

Mas vamos la... Vou contar um pouco da minha vida aqui, desde o dia que pisei em solo australiano. Mas antes disso, preciso contar resumidamente o que me motivou a vir para ca.
Muitos sabem que eu tinha uma carreira profissional interessante, por passagens em diversas empresas multi-nacionais. Ate que um dia nao tive um bom relacionamento com meus superiores e isso resultou no desligamento da empresa. Muitas duvidas e muitas indecisoes... Se eu deveria procurar outro emprego ou tentar fazer algo diferente que me proporcionasse um diferencial para ir alem na minha vida profissional.

Me lembro como se fosse ontem. No mesmo dia que me desliguei da empresa, fui ao Kiaora (um pub de SP) para desestressar e bater papo com 2 amigos. E foi entao que eles me perguntaram "Por que voce nao vai para o exterior estudar?" Isso caiu como uma luva, pois nao tinha mais compromissos profissionais, tinha uma economia que estava juntando ha muito tempo e o principal.... "EU NAO TINHA NADA A PERDER".

Pesquisas, agencias de viagens, planejamento financeiro, bagagens, consultas, despedidas e enfim aviao. Tudo lindo e maravilhoso, rumo ao desconhecido... Sem ao menos saber falar o ingles, eu apertei o "f***-se" e vim pra ca. Mas os objetivos eram claros: "FLUENCIA NO INGLES, POS-GRADUACAO NO EXTERIOR E SEJA LA O QUE VIESSE, QUE EU FOSSE O MELHOR EM TUDO".

Destino: Melbourne.
Tudo era lindo e maravilhoso! Uma cidade realmente muito bonita, bem organizada e segura. Pais de primeiro mundo!
Entrei na primeira loja aqui e quase caih de costas devido aos precos de tudo aqui. Tudo muito caro, principalmente para um estudantes internacionais.
Com esse susto entendi que nao seria possivel continuar por aqui sem ter uma renda mensal para pelo menos pagar meus custos obrigatorios. Mas o que me salvou foi morar o primeiro ano junto com um amigao que gentilmente abriu as portas de sua casa para eu morar. Se nao fosse ele, com certeza teria sido mais complicado.

Proximo passo: Arrumar um emprego de noite, uma vez que a pos-graduacao era integral e meu ingles bem capenga.
Nao teve jeito. Arrumei emprego em um restaurante japones, uma vez que sei falar o idioma japones. Com um salario bem baixo, mas estava valendo, pois alguma renda eu estava tendo, mesmo nao sendo suficiente.

Entao a primeira fase da minha vida aqui foi assim: Segunda a sexta aula das 9am as 5pm e trabalho de garcom das 6pm as 11pm. Sabados e domingos trabalhando o dia todo, das 11am as 11pm. E eu ainda tinha que escutar comentarios do tipo "Tah curtindo aih? E a mulherada? E as baladas? E as praias?"

Depois de um tempo, tive que me mudar de casa, pois o meu amigo decidiu mudar de emprego e se mudou para os EUA. Aih a casa caiu... Arrumar uma outra casa, mas sem luxo nenhum e com 100% dos custos sobre minha responsabilidade. Decidi entao morar em uma share house, dividindo a casa com mais 6 pessoas, mas com meu proprio quarto.

Os custos aumentaram e a renda era a mesma. A solucao foi arrumar mais um emprego. Desta vez estudando e trabalhando no restaurante durante a semana e nos finais de semana trabalhando das 9am as 5pm em um car wash, ou melhor, em um lava-rapido. Eu lavava centenas de carros em um dia manualmente, junto com mais um outro amigo brasileiro e um moooonte de indianos. Um trabalho exaustivo! Tempo de lazer? Balada? Barzinho? O que eh isso??

Mas o lava-rapido, realmente eh cruel... Trabalhei la por 2 meses e nao aguentei mais. Por outro lado, ganhei uma promocao no restaurante japones e comecei a trabalhar la nos finais de semana tambem. Mas agora o negocio era diferente. Fui nomeado head waiter, ou garcom chefe do negocio! Acreditem se puderem...

E ate hoje continua a minha vida assim... Estudando na escola das 09am as 05pm e trabalhando das 6pm as 11pm de segunda a sexta. Nos finais de semana trabalhando das 11am as 11pm. Porem agora estou quase terminando a minha pos-graduacao. Epoca de trabalhos e provas a rodo! "Elio, quando voce tem tempo para estudar e fazer os trabalhos??" EU ESTUDO PARA AS PROVAS E FACO OS TRABALHOS ENTRE 12AM E 06AM. TAH FAAACIL!!!

Mas voces aih devem estar se perguntando... Tudo isso valeu a pena?? Soh vejo sofrimento e reclamacao!! 
Eu digo com honra... VALEU E CONTINUA VALENDO A PENA... E MUITO!! Aprendizados que nao se compra com dinheiro. O objetivo principal sao os estudos. Mas, mais do que isso... Aprende-se a ser humilde e a dar o devido valor as coisas que nos rodeiam. Passamos a compreender mais as injusticas da vida e que cada um deve sempre respeitar o proximo, indiferente de classe social ou raca.

Uma vida sem emocao, nao tem graca... E eu acredito que Deus escolhe as pessoas certas para tomarem porrada e evoluirem, pois no fim tudo se resume em apenas uma coisa: "TODOS TEMOS O QUE MERECEMOS!"


Um grande abraco a todos!! A partir do proximo post, voltarei a postar em ingreis!! hehehe


Sunday, April 1, 2012

When our heart beats faster...

There is nothing new to understand that when our hearts beat fast, something is going on.

There is a physical reaction when we make an extra effort with our body and also the emotional reaction when something unexpected or when something great desire already happened or when it will be close to happening.
And the answer is very simple: This person does not exist!

As a physical reaction, there is not much complexity. Just the body requires more energy than usual and accelerates heart to pump more blood around the body. But when it comes to an emotional reaction there is a lot of complexity, a result of several different situations, whether good or bad.

But let's cut to the chase. And the subject I want to talk today is love relationship. Everyone should know that I have lots of friends. Friends of all types and from different places. Some are more outgoing, adventurous. And other more shy and reserved. Each with their strengths and weaknesses.

Despite these differences, an issue increasingly common is: How to find the perfect person for a relationship?

Indeed, what is the grace of finding a perfect person? A life without challenges doesn't make the heart beat faster. There is no need to share the gains or losses and, as a perfect person does not need to be inspired and not need support to overcome difficulties. Indeed, what difficulties?

The coolest part of a relationship is that exchange of glances, that feeling of doubt whether she was interested in you or not. The time that the heart fires before the first hug, the desire to freeze that time to make the moment eternal, even having no idea of the consequences.

Until that moment happens, the best thing to do is live life intensely, with joy and pleasure. But also always be aware of the opportunities that arise because some opportunities in this life, are unique. We have to be brave and take risks. If not worked, life goes on! And we have to keep enjoying life and being alert when the heart starts to beats faster again.

Say no to discouragement. When we least expect, the heart begins to beat faster. Be positive! Be ambitious!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My plans for 2012!!

Hi everyone!! How are you going?? Thank's for coming to my blog!!
Today I wanna write something more relaxed compared to last time!! Now is time to reflect and be optimistic for this new year!

Let's put it in topics:

1. Be kind, considerate and compassionate when others are in trouble, even if I have problems of my own.

2. Receive with dignity my diploma of the course in management.

3. Say thank you for everyone individually who contributed directly or indirectly with my learning in those two years of Australia.

4. Back to my home in Brazil safe.

5. Celebrate a lot with family and friends my achievements in Australia.

6. Continue my career in any large company.

7. Taking care of my health, playing sports.

8. More fun times.

9. Show humility. Stand my ground but pause to reflect on what the other side are saying, and back off when I know I'm wrong.

10. To continue and boost my band. Cause the show must go on! Yeah!!!

11. Have a serious relationship (Unfortunately not only depend on me... lol)

12. And finally... Be a better son, brother, brother in law and uncle.

Yeah, I know... It's a big challenge for me. But to live our life with more emotions is cool, isn't it? lol

As Obi-Wan-Kenobi said in Star Wars: "May the force be with you, always!"

I'm thinking about the next post. Probably I'll write something more funny!!
Thank's for your visit in my blog and see you again soon! Cheers!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What I learned and still learning...

Hi guys! How's going? (This is absolutely australian way to make a greeting!!)
I think that today I'm inspired enough to right something in my blog. Anyway, appreciate your visit here.

Time goes by so fast... Unbelieveble, but I have only half year here in AUS. And I have lot's of thinks to write here, but if I decide to write everything, it will takes too many time. And how much more I learn, I feel that I don't know nothing... It's a strange sensation...

Recently I was thinking a lot about enjoy my life as much as possible. Every day I see my friends messages on Facebook and I always see messages like "Today was a wonderful day with my friends!" or "The trip was amazing" or "Today was the shopping day and I bought lots of desired thinks". Everyone have their own happiness and it has to be respected.

Every week lots of friends call me to invite to go somewhere to drink, or to go to a club or to a trip or kind of this. And my answer usually is "NO". And lots of people can't understand why. Sometimes they make complaints about that. And obviously I agree and I can understand. Sorry my friends... But I have priorities, plans and I don't have my parents sponsor to pay my costs here.

But the true is... What is the reason to students leave their countries to study in overseas? Take a deep breath and think...

Talikng about the title of this post, in this 1 and half year of journey in AUS I learned more than 10 years of my life before. I learned that time goes by so fast and every single moment of our life should be used in the best way as possible in a property way.
-When we are working we should do our best.
-When we are studying we have to learn as much as possible because it will be a part of your knowledge to help you in your career (if you don't have a career planed, it's time to think about that, or it will be too late).
-When you decide to make fun with friends, forget all of your problems and enjoy the moment.

Every single task has the property way, time and place to be done.

Another interesting subject is about dream. 1 week ago, I was having a casual talking with a friend and I told her a bit about my dreams. Such as fincancial success, successful career, to make a happy family, and to inspire people around me with my behaviour. And that time I was surprised, because she told me "Good for you, because you have dreams".

Based on this my question is... How can a person doesn't has dreams???????? And after a while, I learned that some people have dreams, but they forgot it because the problems are too many. And the result of this, is an average life... Without big emotions and great achievements.

I'm still learning that everything what comes easily, goes easily.
Everything what comes hard, with lots of hard work, will stay forever with us. That's why I'm always doing my best in every task. In the school, in the job, in the life... I strongly believe that all of my dreams will come true. Doesn't matter how long I have to fight, how long I have to live this hard life without time to make fun, thinking only in studies and work.

But in a near future (I hope so) I'll tell you another history. I'll tell you  "...because of that hard life I learned a lot and now I realized most of my dreams, now I can make fun with friends and I'm enjoying my life as much as possible".

Only half year more... Now I'm a bit sad. Everyday my feeling is to go back to Brazil to meet my family and friends. And of course to have my previous lifestyle back, such as a business executive without financial problems. But in the same time something tell me that half of my heart belongs to Melbourne. And I feel that in a near future I'll be back. Tomorrow never knows...

My post today was a bit serious, I know... But I hope there's some value added to each of you to always do your best! Because it's worth.

Thank you for your reading and see you next time!