Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One of my favorite song: "Boku ga boku de aru tameni (So I Can Be Myself)" from Ozaki Yutaka

How's going everyone?

Nowadays, I'm listening a good song, called "Boku ga boku de aru tameni (So I can be myself)". This song is from a japanese famous singer, called Ozaki Yutaka. You can check the music clip in this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=745ZuN2uskY

Ozaki Yutaka was one of most famous singer in Japan. Unfortunately, now deceased, he give us a lot of wonderful songs, like "I love you", "15 no yoru", "Birth", "Oh my little girl" and others...

Usually, people hear and sing musics in according to their feel. For example, when people are happy, they hear happy songs... When people are sad, generally hear sad songs and stay with deep depression, or hear happy songs to buck up. It depends to the person.

In my actual life, I really don't know why, but I'm listening this Ozaki Yutaka's song, because the issue is: "How can I do from now?" And, in my present condition, I'm with some doubt about my future... I'm in deep thought about how to do after this stage here in Australia.

Below, you can check the translation of this song:

"So I can be myself"
(Ozaki Yutaka)

I let out a sigh
At this sad life of misunderstandings
But I have to keep living
In this town before my eyes
I cover my eyes when I hurt people
But everyone gets hurt when they say something kind

I have to keep winning so I can be myself
Until I know in my heart what's right
Swallowed up by the city, I'll forgive my heart a little
And in the wind of this cold town, I'll keep singing

I want to make sure one last time before we say goodbye
I loved you so much
It's not that anyone's to blame
But everyone is selfish
We lived as lovers, but all I did was hurt you
I love you so much, but I can't even tell you about tomorrow

You have to keep winning so you can be myself
Until you know in your heart what's right
Swallowed up by the city, you'll forgive your heart a little
And in the wind of this cold town, you'll keep singing

I have to keep winning so I can be myself
Until I know in my heart what's right
Swallowed up by the city, I'll forgive my heart a little
And in the wind of this cold town, I'll keep singing

Thanks for visit my blog! Have a great week!


  1. Maninho, você certamente encontrará o que está procurando. A distância é de meio globo, mas você está diariamente nos meus pensamentos e nas minhas preces, junto do meu coração. Você é uma pessoa de coragem, essa é a sua qualidade e o motivo do meu maior orgulho. Saudades infinitas de quem te ama. Su

  2. Minha querida irma... Desse jeito voce me deixa emocionado... Ja passamos por tantas emocoes juntos nao eh?

    Tenho certeza absoluta que voce esta e sempre estara comigo, indiferente da distancia que nos separa. Sempre que estou com voce tenho muito a aprender, e talvez isso seja o meu maior privilegio como irmao.

    Carrego comigo hoje e para sempre algumas de suas palavras:

    "A tendencia de nossas vidas eh melhorar cada vez mais."

    "Alguns valores, nos carregamos para sempre conosco."

    Todos os dias penso muito em voces e o coracao aperta de tantas saudades...

    Um abraco bem apertado!! Te amo!!
